Hi there!

Hi there!

My name is Max, I'm from Berlin and for one and a half years, I've been working with React Native and Expo to create Apps. I am a self-taught developer and that is also why I would like to give back to this amazing community by sharing my knowledge and experience. The Idea of starting my own blog first entered my mind about 2 Months ago. Thinking back to when I was hired at my current job, I had no clue about React Native and a very limited know-how of React. Since then, I have spent countless hours self tutoring, reading through other blog posts and comments, so much so that I have accumulated a solid knowledge foundation in both frameworks. My aim now is to create a blog that can help you get into programming with React Native and ReactJS easier and gives you the possibilities to find a lot of helpful sources on one page. In short a blog that I would have wanted for myself at the time that I was getting started.

I'll try to mention all sources that I have fallen back on in help of creating a code snippet or larger project. I will stick to some standard libraries to keep consistency within all the posts and maybe introduce great new libraries that I appreciate during time.

As for me, this blog will be an opportunity to improve at explaining how things work as well as being a good way to practice my English skills. So please be lenient with me and I hope we will have a great time together.

Follow me on Twitter to stay tuned about my upcoming blog posts.

